have allergies?

We use almonds and other nut products in some of our desserts. There is a possibility that ALL products could contain a trace of these nuts. If you have a severe allergy, we do not recommend eating at Elle + Emma's.

Disclaimer Regarding Allergens

If you are allergic to it, you should assume that it is in our products.
For more specific details, please email us and we will gladly try to answer your questions. We recognize the seriousness of food allergies and will do our best to address your concerns.
The following ingredients are used at Elle + Emma's:

  • Milk and/or milk powder

  • Eggs – pasteurized whole, yolks & whites

  • Tree Nuts - pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia

  • Soy – in any product containing shortening

  • Corn – in our icings

  • Wheat

  • Coconut

  • Peanuts

  • Coffee

  • Pineapples